Say-Lab REPORTING MODULE has been developed and produced for the purpose of accurate and fast solution by reducing the time that is valuable today.
Recipe is prepared
Screen selection is made.
The tare of the selected sieves is placed on the balance above the reporting module and the tare is carried out from small to large. It is automatically stored.
The product to be analyzed is placed on the sieves and recorded
If the reporting device is connected to the SV200 vibrating screening device, sieving is done by entering Press, Vibration and Time from the panel.
If there is an external screening device, screening may be performed there
It is placed on the scales in order with the sieved material sieves to be on the top and the registration process is done automatically.
After the last screen is placed on the balance and recorded by pressing the report button between the screens and AFS is calculated
The report can be printed out via USB or printer. Accordingly, the graph is given.